Walt Fritz, PT and the Pain Relief Center

The Pain Relief Center is a unique clinic that provides highly individualized one-on-one treatment for the relief of pain, helping you return to a fully functional lifestyle. Utilizing manual therapy and movement,  Walt is able to address problems that have not responded to previous surgeries, therapies, exercise, and medications, bringing about positive and lasting changes. “Pain Relief” is a rather narrow term when it comes to describing the work Walt uses, as not all clients come as a result of pain. Many are simply looking to regain a quality of life that they are missing.

Call or email for information or an appointment or simply click the “Book Now” button on the right-hand side of this page.

Walt Fritz, PT

He holds an MA in Professional Practice from the University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UK), a BS in Physical Therapy, and a BA in Community Mental Health through the University at Buffalo (NY). His MA work advanced the academic credibility of the coursework he teaches through his seminars. Walt is a research supervisor at the Voice Study Centre (UK), helping to spearhead research into manual therapy’s place in voice and related disorders. He sees patients through his Upstate New York practice for voice/swallowing-related problems and more general physical therapy-related concerns.

Walt began practicing Myofascial Release (MFR) in 1992 and is the most experienced practitioner in Central and Western New York. Over the past ten years, he has advanced the MFR work he learned and taught, and now he calls his work “manual therapy.” While there are many reasons for this updated name, much is due to the underlying concepts used to explain its effects. Healthcare is full of unsubstantiated claims. Helping someone with your work does not necessarily validate the claims made about that work.

You have many choices regarding your health care; consider the Pain Relief Center first.

Walt presents his workshops internationally through his Foundations in Manual Therapy Seminars, www.WaltFritz.com, presents online courses, has published the book “Manual Therapy in Voice and Swallowing: A Person-Centered Approach,” a comprehensive guide to manual therapy, had a paper published in Current Opinions in Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, titled The mechanism of action for laryngeal manual therapies: a need for an update” (2024), is a contributing author to the forthcoming 2026 textbook “The Oxford Handbook of Vocal Pedagogy”.